Here are some comparisons (and differences) to consider when deciding which is best for you.
Delivery benefits
Reading benefits
Shopping benefits
Streaming and digital benefits
The cost of Business Prime membership varies by the amount of users:
Essentials: Up to 3 users = $179 per yearSmall: Up to 10 users = $499 per yearMedium: Up to 100 users = $1,299 per yearEnterprise: Unlimited users = $10,099 per year
With a Business Prime account, the number of users depends on the plan. Business Prime accounts can have anywhere from a single user to more than 100. The primary business owner can limit access and create roles in the admin account for other users. Shipping benefits include: Shopping Benefits include:
Prime Day DealsPrime Early Access to Lightning DealsProgressive Discounts
Essentials: 1 user and 250 GB of space Small: 3 users and 750 GB of spaceMedium: 5 users and 1.25 Tb of spaceEnterprise: 10 users and 2.5 TB of space