Optery provides more coverage of data broker removals than any of its competitors due to its advanced functions. Optery provides visibility into leading data broker companies such as Spokeo, Intelius, WhitePages, and many more, then opts you out from them. By doing so, the service removes your home and email address, as well as your phone number and other private information that is found on the internet. Basically, your contact info is removed from Google when it is deleted from the original sources. This prevents your confidential information from being used for fraud, identity theft, spam, and phishing calls and emails. Your opt-out requests will be refreshed and re-delivered multiple times throughout the year, and you will have a dashboard that displays the progress of your removals in real-time. One of the most convenient features Optery offers is the opportunity for additional protection into the future without requiring any action on your part. Not only will you be removed from more than 80 data broker sites, but you will automatically be opted out of new data brokers as they become supported by the service. Optery makes a great addition to your security toolbox, which should also include a VPN and password manager. Optery is not affiliated with any data broker, nor does it sell data to anyone. It’s no wonder that Optery Data Broker Removal has a perfect 5 out of 5 stars rating on Product Hunt, the popular website featuring the best new tech products on the market. Don’t pass up this chance to protect your most sensitive data and rid yourself of an irritating and time-consuming chore. Grab a one-year subscription to Optery Data Broker Removal while it’s available for only $49, a 59% discount off the usual $119 MSRP.