Also: Why is Twitter turning millions of accounts into defenseless targets? In February, Twitter Blue subscribers got access to 4,000 character tweets with their $8 per month subscription. These tweets are already very lengthy, allowing for whole paragraphs of text as seen by the tweet below.  According to Musk, this limit could soon be extended to 10,000 characters.  Although there are no details on this feature yet, if 10,000 character tweets are something you are interested in, then you may want to sign up for Twitter Blue since the long-form tweet feature will most likely remain a subscriber only feature.  Also: The best Twitter alternatives Other perks of a Twitter Blue membership include a blue checkmark, edit tweet feature, bookmark folder, themes, spaces tab, custom navigation and more.  On the other hand, if you find long-form tweets annoying, it may be time to explore other options such as Mastodon or get off the app as whole as it seems that longer tweets will be coming in your future.