That cursing wildly would send you to Hell, for example. Or that most of humanity is fundamentally sane. Yet I’ve just espied an allegedly serious study that may stretch many a belief system. Until, perhaps, you let it sit there for a while. For reasons beyond our scope today, thought it would uncover the current inner workings of the Windows user’s mind. Oddly, it discovered a surprise or two. Or so it seems. The soaring headline is that a mere 38% of Windows users know that Windows 11 is happening on October 5. Or even at all. To be more precise, 38% of the more than 1,000 Windows users to whom spoke offered this knowledge. At first snort, you might think this impossible. Surely everyone has been bathing in all the hype generated by Microsoft, including its possibly bonkers new Windows 11 ad. It’s worth it, though, considering that there are many, many people in the world for whom a new Windows OS may represent a feat of indifference. Some still operate happily with Windows numbers of the single-digit kind. Many accept that whatever operating system their IT departments give them, well, that’s the one they know about. And a heart-racing proportion simply don’t pay attention to many, if not any, developments in tech because they have their own human lives to lead. If you squeeze an eyeball through that prism, you may be impressed that 38% of Windows users know something more Apple-like is soon to arrive. This survey did toss up some other slivers of joy. It alleges that a fulsome two-thirds of Windowers still didn’t know whether their computers will be acceptable to Windows 11. And 45% claimed they still weren’t sure if they’d bother to download it. I fancy that those who use Windows in corporate environments will swiftly be told that their operating system has changed. For the rest, this will likely be a more staggered affair. Perhaps the most important and controversial element will be what Microsoft decides to do once October 5 has dawned. Will Windows users be bombarded by notifications to upgrade? Will every Microsoft element be subject to a helpful notification telling them to get with the program? This has been Microsoft’s way for some time. It’s not always the most self-aware way. There are, Microsoft claims, 1.3 billion devices using Windows 10. That’s a lot of people to inform and persuade. I’m always inclined to offer hope, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. Please, then, let me tell you that this survey indicated that a mere 14% of people said they’d definitely not upgrade. Perhaps they’re just in denial.